Great gift for local orchid growers! 1 hr Home Consultation includes:
Repot/refresh of up to 10 orchids (extra cost for cymbidiums)
Evaluation of best placement in your home for YOUR orchids
growing tips on how to help your orchids thrive!
Consultations available in Trinidad, McKinleyville, Blue Lake, Arcata, and Eureka. Time and date to be determined by you and Orchids for the People Staff.
3.25" wide (at the top) x 3.75" tall square Waterdance pots.
Lightweight, durable, and relatively inexpensive. Here at the Orchids for the People nursery, this is our go-to pot for "4inch" plants!The advantage these pots have is the bottom. Instead of drain holes, these pots simply have a screen over the bottom. This allows air to easily circulate and penetrate the pots from the bottom and oxygenate the roots.
Not only that, it also eliminates water pooling in the bottom of the pot eliminating the biggest source of root rot. In addition, any fine, decomposing potting medium falls right out the bottom, eliminating the accumulation of anaerobic "mud" in the bottom of the pot. Plus, these pots have "feet" at each corner which raise the bottom of the pot up off the table allowing for even better air circulation around the bottom of the pot.
When used with our long-strand coconut fiber, we think it is one of the best ways to grow orchids!
6" octagonal baskets, quantity 5. Long-lasting black plastic baskets that are perfect for orchids. Shipping is calculated by weight and destination on this item so you pay exactly what postage costs, nothing more!Great for hanging orchids and epiphytic plants.
American Hydroponics brand Heavy duty 8" hydroponic baskets. Cheapest price around! 5 baskets for $13.50. Shipping is calculated by weight and destination on this item so you pay exactly what postage costs, nothing more!Great for hanging orchids and epiphytic plants.
Note: holes are too small for orchids that flower out of the bottom of the basket such as Stanhopeas.
Well-established, near-blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.I'm excited about this new in-house Anacheilium hybrid! The flowers, which are non-resupinate and about the size of a quarter, have butter-yellow petals with a sprinkling of purple dots. The nicely rounded white lip is accentuated by purple stripes. This is the first year they have bloomed and most plants have had 3-5 flowers per spike. We expect the flower count to be 5-10 flowers/spike as the plants mature. Spring-summer bloomer.Care: Intermediate-warm temps, bright indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding spring-fall with a slightly drier rest period in the winter.
These are seedlings so the flowers will vary slightly from plant to plant.
Very hardy plants that produce flowers throughout the year (Whenever new growths reach blooming size). Pleasantly fragrant, especially late in the day and early evening.
Care: Intermediate to warm, bright indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding throughout the year with a drier rest period in Winter.
Synonyms: Encyclia cochleata, Prosthechea cochleata
Commonly known as the black orchid or the cockleshell orchid, around our nursery it is affectionately referred to as the octopus orchid. It is also the national flower of Belize. This is a very nice outcross of 2 great, large flowered parents. One has wide sepals and the other plant has nice long twisted sepals. Both have great color and are above average size. Anacheilium cochleatum randomly produces flower spikes year round, mostly spring-fall. 5-20+ flowers develop sequentially over a long period of time. Easy to grow and a prolific flowerer, it loves to be treated just like a Cattleya.
Care: Intermediate-warm temperatures, bright indirect sunlight and regular year round watering and light feeding.
Well-established (potted in 4/22) plants with 2 leads in 4" baskets.The nickel-sized flowers are quite pretty and abundant on larger plants. Each flower spike will produce 5-15 flowers and they can last several months.Rarely available, this hardy, rambling Encyclia relative becomes a big plant in no time. For this reason, this species is best grown in hanging baskets so the new growths can envelop the basket and then continue to send new growth out into space! I do not recommend this plant for benchtop growing because it will crawl out of its pot and into every other pot near it.Care: Cool-intermediate temps, bright indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding spring-fall with a drier rest period in the winter.
A small, epiphytic, vining (the only Anthurium that is a vine), creeper widely distributed from southern Mexico to Central and South America, where it grows in a variety of habitats, at altitudes between sea level and 2700 m. It grows a well-developed system of roots to support the fleshy stems with elliptical leaves, glossy green above and mottled brown below, an upright or sometimes pendent inflorescence followed by very attractive, lavender, pearl-shaped berries. Care: This is an easy to care for plant! Bright indirect light, temps 58°F-80°F, and regular watering and light feeding year-round. When repotting use 50/50 small orchid bark and soil, or any orchid potting medium. May also be potted in a hanging basket or mounted.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. For a compact (not mini!) Catt hybrid this plant has pretty big flowers! The 4-5" wide crystalline white flowers have a beautiful gold throat that contrasts nicely with the rest of the flower.Care: Bright indirect light, intermediate-warm temps, regular watering, and light feeding spring-fall with a slightly drier winter rest.
An Orchids for the People in-house hybrid!A very nice compact, upright, easy-to-grow orchid. The flowers are 1.5" wide with yellow petals and a wide, pointed white lip. The petals, sepals, and lip all have purple spots radiating from the center of the flower. The flower spikes produce 3-8 flowers.Care: Bright indirect light, intermediate-warm temps, regular watering, and light feeding spring-fall, with a drier rest period and no food in the winter.
Brassocattleya Valencia Beauty (Brassavola nodosa x Cattleya Interglossa). Well-established blooming-size plants in 3.25" pots. Substantial price breaks if you purchase through our Wholesale & Volume Collection! (Purchases from the Wholesale & Volume Collection may not combined with orders from other collections)This is a remake of Brassocattleya Valencia Beauty using 2 great, large-flowered parents (pictured). These plants are seed-grown seedlings, not mericlone plants, so each one is unique. If you like to get your plants judged, this is your chance to give a plant a clonal name! Also pictured are a trio of siblings, so you can see the diversity so far in this hybrid. Plus, the flowers are relatively large in proportion to the compact growth habit of the plant.Care: Bright indirect light, cool-warm temps, regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall, and let dry between light waterings in the winter.