We grow lots of Cold to Cool growing orchids! It's a perfect fit for our coastal Northern California weather. Nighttime temps for these plants range from 40°F-55°F and daytime up to 75°F.
We grow lots of Cold to Cool growing orchids! It's a perfect fit for our coastal Northern California weather. Nighttime temps for these plants range from 40°F-55°F and daytime up to 75°F.
Dracuvallia Lucifer (Dracula vampira × Masdevallia veitchiana) . Near blooming size divisions in a 2.25" pot.Beautiful large gold and orange flowers, orange from the veitchiana parent and faint stripes from the vampira parent. These plants are divisions of siblings so there will be slight variation in the flower color. The flowers tend to nod a bit so they are best displayed as a hanging plant slightly above eye level. Flowers summer-fall.Care: Cool to intermediate temps, shade to indirect light, regular year-round watering and light feeding. Do not let dry out! Prefers high humidity.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 2.25" pot. A plant this size will typically produce 20-30 flowers when it blooms. Very limited quantities! A small, fast-growing plant that flowers repeatedly late fall-spring. Great for terrariums, vivariums, small grow spaces, and anyone who loves minis! This is a lovely miniature species! Tiny Masdevallia-like flowers that have a light green background with red spots. Rarely seen for sale and is a great addition to any Pleurothallid or cool climate collection. Care: Best kept on the cool side (but doesn't mind intermediate temps) and moist.
$17.99 - $27.99
Big, chunky, well-established, flowering-sized plants in 3.25" pots. This new cross is another great plant for beginning orchid growers! This is a compact reed stem-type epidendrum that produces nickel-sized, purplish-pink flowers. Reed stem Epidendrums are a wonderful addition to any orchid collection because of their ease of growing, their very long flowering cycle, and their massive variety of colors. Produces a flower spike at the top of new growths which continues to elongate and produce flowers sequentially from bottom to top over a period of months!We're not quite sure how tall these plants will get but they seem to be on the "compact" size for reed stem Epis. They have already flowered at less than 18" tall. Care: Very easy to grow. Cool-Warm temps,regular watering and light feeding spring-summer with a drier rest period and no food in the winter. Essentially the same as any other reed stem epi.
Epidendrum neoporpax. Well-established blooming size plant in a 3" net pot. We love this plant! It mats into a specimen in a short time. Flowers several times a year and we call it the "baboon butt" flower for obvious (to me :) reasons. This is a great orchid for vivariums and small growing spaces! Care: Easy to grow in moderately bright to partial shade conditions. Like to be mounted either vertically or horizontally. Moderate water all year.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. A cute, easy-to-grow Eria (closely related to Dendrobium) species. The buds develop a wooly exterior (they look like hanging caterpillar coccoons) before opening to reveal a beautiful 1/2", creamy-white flower with distinctive red venation. Nonresupinate (upside down) flowers. Flowers winter-spring.The medium-small plant has pseudobulbs that are almost Hershey Kiss shaped (globose) and are initially covered by a mahogany-colored sheath. Each bulb has 1 or 2 dark green shiny leaves. Great for pots, hanging baskets or mounting.Care: cool-warm temps, bright indirect light, year-round regular watering.
Large, well-established in a 1" or 3" net pot. The 3" pot plants have grown into balls the size of a cantaloupe! Most places on the internet sell it by the single strand. This hard-to-find fern is small-growing and highly suitable for terrariums, vivariums and as houseplants. The round, non-fertile leaves are approx 1/2 inch in diameter and the long, skinny fertile (spore) leaves are about 1.25” long. This plant is epiphytic, so it will do very well mounted with some sphagnum moss. It creeps nicely without being invasive and because of the long rhizome is easy to prune. Care: medium to high humidity, mild temps, and moderate-low light.
$14.99 - $42.99
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. Miniature Masdevallia! A new mini hybrid from Orchids For The People. Fast-growing and floriferous. The flowers fit on a quarter but are tall and big enough not to go unnoticed. This plant would make a great addition to any mini, cool growing, or pleurothallid collection! It would also look great mounted or in a vivarium. Care: Cool-intermediate temps, shade- indirect light, regular watering and light feeding year round.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.This Masdevallia produces compact, fleshy flowers that are crystalline white in the center, 4 purple stripes in the top sepal, and yellow tepals. One of the easier-to-grow Masdevallias for people who live in warmer climates. Flowers in the early summer and then again in the winter in our greenhouse.Care: Regular year-round watering and light feeding, shade-indirect light, and cool-warm temps.
Well-established, blooming-size divisions in a 3.25" pot. This clone of M coccinea has large, round-flat purple flowers measuring 4" tall and 2" wide, held well above the plant on strong stems. Care: Cold to intermediate temps, partial shade, regular watering year-round and regular, light-feeding spring-fall. Never let the plant remain dried out for an extended period, especially in temps over 75°F.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. These have been proven performers for us. They develop new leaves quickly and bloom freely from Spring to Fall. Care: Cold to intermediate temps, partial shade, regular watering year-round, and regular, light feeding spring-fall. Never let the plant remain dried out for an extended period, especially in temps over 75°F.
Well-established blooming-sized plant in 3.25" or 2.25" pots. If you are into Masdevallias, or are interested in them, this is a nice, easy-to-grow species. Beautiful dark mahogany flowers with a yellow throat. The plants get huge but are best kept smaller as the flowers tend to hide in the foliage on short stems. This is a great Masdevallia for mounting, it shows off the flowers. Care: Indirect light, cool-intermediate temps, regular year-round watering and light feeding. Masdevallias should never be allowed to dry out completely.
$19.99 - $26.99
Large, well-established blooming size plant in 3.25" pot.This is a great little plant! Super easy to grow and very forgiving. Likes temps from cool to hot, doesn't mind drying out a little between waterings, likes bright light, and produces bright yellow nickel-sized flowers randomly all year long. What's not to like?Care: Regular year-round watering and light feeding, cool-hot temps, bright indirect light.