Dracuvallia Lucifer (Dracula vampira × Masdevallia veitchiana) . Near blooming size divisions in a 2.25" pot.Beautiful large gold and orange flowers, orange from the veitchiana parent and faint stripes from the vampira parent. These plants are divisions of siblings so there will be slight variation in the flower color. The flowers tend to nod a bit so they are best displayed as a hanging plant slightly above eye level. Flowers summer-fall.Care: Cool to intermediate temps, shade to indirect light, regular year-round watering and light feeding. Do not let dry out! Prefers high humidity.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 2.25" pot. A plant this size will typically produce 20-30 flowers when it blooms. Very limited quantities!
A small, fast-growing plant that flowers repeatedly late fall-spring. Great for terrariums, vivariums, small grow spaces, and anyone who loves minis!
This is a lovely miniature species! Tiny Masdevallia-like flowers that have a light green background with red spots. Rarely seen for sale and is a great addition to any Pleurothallid or cool climate collection.
Care: Best kept on the cool side (but doesn't mind intermediate temps) and moist.
Well-established blooming size seedlings in 3.25" pots. This is an in-house hybrid and is available exclusively from Orchids For The People. First blooms for this cross came in early 2025. The plant looks like a reed stem epidendrum but with very fleshy, almost succulent leaves. Growing conditions: intermediate-warm temps, bright indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding throughout the growing season (spring-fall) with a slightly dry rest period in the winter.
Epidendrum neoporpax. Well-established blooming size plant in a 3" net pot.
We love this plant! It mats into a specimen in a short time. Flowers several times a year and we call it the "baboon butt" flower for obvious (to me :) reasons. This is a great orchid for vivariums and small growing spaces!
Care: Easy to grow in moderately bright to partial shade conditions. Like to be mounted either vertically or horizontally. Moderate water all year.
Well-established blooming-size plants mounted on Madrone.Beautiful white, crystalline white petals and sepals with a purple lip. The upper sepal twists and juts forward and resembles a mohawk. Very light fragrance. Spikes produce up to 20 flowers when fully mature (the plants in this listing are seedlings flowering for the first time last year). Terete leaves are 6-8" long. Branches when mature and develops into an open, shrubby plant. Care: Intermediate-warm temps, bright indirect light, regular (every 1-2 days) watering spring-fall with a slightly drier winter rest. Regular light-feeding spring-fall. Best mounted or grown in a basket.
Well-established, blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.
We bred 2 of our nicest plants to bring you these blooming-sized seedlings. There has been a little bit of diversity in color patterns in these plants but the majority have been solid pink. Great size in the flowers (not award-winning huge, but then neither is the price) and the plants are stout and vigorous.
Flower spikes are 2-4' tall and produce 4-6 flowers each. Flowers smell faintly of vanilla, especially after being watered.
Care: Bright indirect light, cool-warm temps (can be grown cooler than cattleya), regular watering and light feeding spring-fall with a moderately dry rest period in the winter.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.
These have been proven performers for us. They develop new leaves quickly and bloom freely from Spring to Fall. Care: Cold to intermediate temps, partial shade, regular watering year-round, and regular, light feeding spring-fall. Never let the plant remain dried out for an extended period, especially in temps over 75°F.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.
This Maxillaria produces 1-1.5" gold, wing-shaped flowers. Both the sepals and petals have maroon stripes. The lip is black.
Care: Prefers cool-intermediate temps but will tolerate warm temps, indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding year-round.
Large, well-established blooming size plant in 3.25" pot.This is a great little plant! Super easy to grow and very forgiving. Likes temps from cool to hot, doesn't mind drying out a little between waterings, likes bright light, and produces bright yellow nickel-sized flowers randomly all year long. What's not to like?Care: Regular year-round watering and light feeding, cool-hot temps, bright indirect light.
This is Miltonia (regnelii v alba x (spectabilis v moreliana x Seminole Blood). I know it's a mouthful but we haven't registered a name for it yet! Large, well-established blooming size plant in 3.25" pot.
I love this new cross we made! Every single plant has unique flowers! All have produced 3-6 flowers on their first flower spike. Flowers have been 3"-4" across. The majority of plants have had spotted flowers. The plant flowers in the late summer/early fall. I have included several pictures of flowers that have already bloomed to show a representation of the flowers we have seen so far. Please note: I cannot pick a particular flower pattern. Later in the season I will have auctions for individual plants with select flowers on our eBay site (Orchids for the People). Select plants will be considerably more expensive!
Care: Intermediate - warm temps, bright indirect sun, regular watering, and light feeding year-round.
Newly divided blooming size plants in 3" net pots.
An uncommon orchid that is also easy to grow. The only species in this genus, N. pulchella is a creeper that grows into a mat. Can be hung up in its current basket and allowed to trail where it wishes but also adapts easily to being mounted vertically or horizontally. This species doesn't need repotting very often and doesn't need a large mount, pot or basket because the majority of the plant just dangles in open space! Flowers in the Fall with bright lavendar flowers.Care: Can be grown cool-warm and prefers intermediate light. We water them a lot in the Spring/Summer and only a little in the Winter.
Oerstedella schweinfurthiana (syn Epidendendrum schweinfurthianum). Deflasked October 2021 and well-rooted in 3.25" pots.
These easy-to-grow Epidendrum relatives have amazing 1" flowers with sepals and petals that are bluish-purple on the back and orange-red to bronze and a bluish-purple lip. Flowers develop in bunches of 4-10 flowers in the fall-winter. Mature plants produce wispy, flexible stems that can EASILY REACH 10 FEET LONG.
Care: cool-warm temps, indirect-bright indirect light, regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall, and let dry between light waterings in the winter.