Shop New Arrivals and Recently Restocked

Shop New Arrivals and Recently Restocked

4 products

  • Oerstedella schweinfurthiana (syn Epidendendrum schweinfurthianum) - Orchids for the People

    Oerstedella schweinfurthiana (syn Epidendendrum schweinfurthianum)

    Oerstedella schweinfurthiana (syn Epidendendrum schweinfurthianum). Deflasked October 2021 and well-rooted in 3.25" pots. These easy-to-grow Epidendrum relatives have amazing 1" flowers with sepals and petals that are bluish-purple on the back and orange-red to bronze and a bluish-purple lip. Flowers develop in bunches of 4-10 flowers in the fall-winter. Mature plants produce wispy, flexible stems that can EASILY REACH 10 FEET LONG.  Care: cool-warm temps, indirect-bright indirect light, regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall, and let dry between light waterings in the winter.


  • Last stock! Masdevallia rolfeana - Orchids for the People

    Masdevallia rolfeana

    Well-established blooming-sized plant in a 3.25" pot. If you are into Masdevallias, or are interested in them, this is a nice, easy-to-grow species. Beautiful dark mahogany flowers with a yellow throat. The plants get huge but are best kept smaller as the flowers tend to hide in the foliage on short stems. This is a great Masdevallia for mounting, it shows off the flowers. Care: Indirect light, cool-intermediate temps, regular year-round watering and light feeding. Masdevallias should never be allowed to dry out completely.


  • Last stock! Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum - Orchids for the People

    Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum

    Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. Limited quantity available!This is a large-leafed (16"+) bulbophyllum that stays very compact for its size. This species does equally well mounted, in hanging baskets, or in a pot. Flower spikes that are nearly 2' long and covered with up to 50 small, white, pleasantly-fragrant flowers (unlike most other Bulbophyllums). This species tends to flower all at once (in the spring for us) and puts on quite a show!Care: cool-warm temps, indirect light and regular year-round watering and light feeding.


  • Maxillaria praestans - Orchids for the People

    Maxillaria praestans

    Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. This Maxillaria produces 1-1.5" gold, wing-shaped flowers. Both the sepals and petals have maroon stripes. The lip is black. Care: Prefers cool-intermediate temps but will tolerate warm temps, indirect light, regular watering, and light feeding year-round.



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