
Please note, Miltonia foliage is naturally a light green to yellowish green color when healthy. 

Humidity   is important to Miltonia - if they don't have enough, they'll get sunburn easier on the leaves, and leaf growth will be stunted.

Light and Air  Miltonia have smaller, more fragile leaves, so give them good ventilation to let air get in between the leaves. They like medium bright light – in an east or west facing window, or behind a white curtain by a south window.

Watering & Fertilize Water must be plentiful, and the medium must drain very well. In their native habitat the plants are drenched almost daily, and, because of this, they are intolerant of salt buildup. So, flushing every 4th or 5th watering is important when growing in pots. When they are not getting enough water or humidity, the leaves tend to grow with accordionlike pleats. Allow Miltonia to approach dryness between waterings. Fertilize the plant every watering or ever other watering at ¼ strength solution.

Temperature: Miltonia like about 60°F nights, 65-90°F days.

Potting: Repot every year in the Fall.


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