Orchids know what to do to attract their perfect pollinator (including you!)
Orchids know what to do to attract their perfect pollinator (including you!)
Panarica brassavolae x Anacheillium radiatum. Well-established Blooming Size divisions (two back bulbs plus one new growth) in 3.25" pots.An unusual hybrid! It looks like a big, weird radiatum with a lot more flowers per spike. A very vigorous and floriferous plant. Sweetly fragrant.Care: Cool-warm conditions with bright indirect light. Flowers late summer to late fall. This is our exclusive cross and we have a limited amount of these seedlings so when they are gone they're gone!
Well established, near blooming size seedlings in a 2.25" pot. These plants are 1-2 years from blooming and should be repotted into baskets next spring. This should be an interesting cross and it will be fragrant! Care: Intermediate to warm temps, regular watering, and light fertilizer throughout the year and prefers a moderately shady spot. The flower pics are the parent plants but we can only speculate on what these seedlings' flowers will look like. The plant picture is representative of the plant that will be shipped to the buyer.
Well-established, blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. We bred 2 of our nicest plants to bring you these blooming-sized seedlings. There has been a little bit of diversity in color patterns in these plants but the majority have been solid pink. Great size in the flowers (not award-winning huge, but then neither is the price) and the plants are stout and vigorous. Flower spikes are 2-4' tall and produce 4-6 flowers each. Flowers smell faintly of vanilla, especially after being watered. Care: Bright indirect light, cool-warm temps (can be grown cooler than cattleya), regular watering and light feeding spring-fall with a moderately dry rest period in the winter.
Well-established blooming-size plants mounted on Madrone.Beautiful white, crystalline white petals and sepals with a purple lip. The upper sepal twists and juts forward and resembles a mohawk. Very light fragrance. Spikes produce up to 20 flowers when fully mature (the plants in this listing are seedlings flowering for the first time last year). Terete leaves are 6-8" long. Branches when mature and develops into an open, shrubby plant. Care: Intermediate-warm temps, bright indirect light, regular (every 1-2 days) watering spring-fall with a slightly drier winter rest. Regular light-feeding spring-fall. Best mounted or grown in a basket.
Well-established blooming-size plant in 3.25" pot An interesting and easy-to-grow Dendrobium species. The canes are 12-24" long and sparsely covered with fine black hair. 1-3 flowers emerge from a short spike and are approx. 1.5" long, pure white with an orange, "toothy" lip, a long spur, and a very faint fragrance. Care: Prefers cold-intermediate temps and bright indirect light. Regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall with a drier rest period in the winter.
Small, well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.This is one of the first orchids I grew as a kid in southern CA and is still one of the hardiest and most forgiving orchids you can grow! D kingianum stays very compact and is happy pretty much anywhere that receives moderately bright light.This species flowers late winter/early spring and produces an abundance of fragrant, long-lasting, dime-sized purple and white flowers.If you want to try your hand at orchids, start here!Care: Bright indirect light, moist and warm-hot in the summer, cool and drier in the winter. Light, regular fertilizing spring-late summer
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. Known as the Beautiful Coelogyne, this species blooms sequentially with 1 to 3 flowers per spike. The musky scented flowers arise out of the center of a new pseudobulb growth and can bloom at any time of the year but most often in spring and summer. The flowers are about 6 cm in diameter. The lip is white with orange-brown or dark brown spots. The large side lobes of the lip are brown or red and curve up to form a tube that almost completely covers the spine. Care: Cool to hot temps, indirect-bright indirect light, regular year-round watering and light feeding. The warmer the growing conditions, the more often it should be watered.
Large, well-established blooming size division in a 3.25" pot. Flower spikes develop in the fall-winter and carry 1-3 silver quarter-sized creamy yellow flowers. The lip is very dark brick-red and is hairy. Care: Cool-warm temps, shade-indirect light and regular year-round watering and light feeding.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. Limited quantity available!This is a large-leafed (16"+) bulbophyllum that stays very compact for its size. This species does equally well mounted, in hanging baskets, or in a pot. Flower spikes that are nearly 2' long and covered with up to 50 small, white, pleasantly-fragrant flowers (unlike most other Bulbophyllums). This species tends to flower all at once (in the spring for us) and puts on quite a show!Care: cool-warm temps, indirect light and regular year-round watering and light feeding.
Large, well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. 15-30 small, fragrant vibrant yellow flowers seem to erupt out of the base of the leaf! When in full flower the plant seems to be covered in little yellow pompoms!Care: Cool-warm temps, shade-indirect light and regular year-round watering and light feeding. This species should never be allowed to dry out completely.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 2.25" pot. If you love orange flowers like I do, this little species is for you! Produces 3-4 flowers per spike on older leafless, stems. Produces multiple spikes along the stem simultaneously, so it's a great show. The flowers are around 2" (large for the size of the plant), a beautiful shade of orange, and have a great fragrance reminiscent of apricots. Check out our Dendrobium unicum "Orchid of the Day!" video! Care: Bright indirect light. Prefers warm wet summers with regular feeding and slightly cooler, drier winters. Flowers on the leafless, mature canes spring-summer.
Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. This is an unusual Dendrochilum. Instead of being a "clumper" like most in the genus, this plant is definitely a "runner"! Will form large tangled mats that make it great for a mount or basket. Long chains of beautiful, medium-sized (for a dendrochilum!) bright yellow flowers with white in the throat. Flowers smells like orange creamsicles!Care: Easy to grow plants that like cool-warm temps, indirect light-shade, regular year round watering and light feeding. This species thrives on neglect in a greenhouse.