Coelogyne Unchained Melody
Coelogyne Unchained Melody (C cristata x C flaccida). Well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot, with at least one new growth.Long-lasting crystalline white flowers (3" across) have a nice contrasting light yellow throat. Spikes will have up to 15 or so flowers on large plants. Very fragrant with a scent similar to narcissus.This plant is a fast grower, with each bulb producing 2 or 3 new bulbs. Flowers in the late winter and early fall.
Coelogyne viscosa
Coelogyne viscosa (syn C graminifolia). Well-established blooming size division in a 3.25" pot. Fragrant, crystalline white flowers with a white, yellow and burnt orange lip with brown stripes in the throat appear in the winter.This plant is a fast grower that prefers intermediate to warm conditions, bright shade and water year-round (water till just moist then again when almost dry, not continuously soaked).
Coelogyne xyrekes
Well-established blooming-size plant in a 4" basket. Flower color, especially in the lip, may vary slightly because these are from seed, not divisions. This is a beautiful plant with beautiful flowers! The flowers are formed on a pendant spike so it's best to plant this species in a hanging basket or pot to fully enjoy the flowers. The large, long-lasting flowers are approx 2.5-3" across. Petals are a very light rosy pink and the lip is brick red/cinnamon and the flowers are sweetly fragrant. Each spike produces 3-6 flowers successively. Each new flower blooms just as its predecessor is wilting. More mature plants will produce many flower spikes at the same time. It's a non-stop show for months!Care: Cool to hot temps, indirect-bright indirect light, regular year-round watering, and light feeding. The warmer the growing conditions, the more often it should be watered.
Columnea sanguinea 'Lia'
Well-rooted plugs ready for 4" pots or grouped together in a 6-8" pot. Looks even better when planted in groups of 3 or 4. Sometimes referred to as the "Window Plant", this fast-growing gesneriad has amazing leaves. The tops of the leaves are solid green with 2-5 white splotches toward the tips. The underside of the leaf is solid purple. Not only that, but the white splotches reveal themselves to actually be translucent "windows" through which light glows as lit up red splotches on the very dark purple background. 1" long red, tubular flowers with a yellow margin are borne along the stem spring-fall. Shipping note: 1 plug, or 3 plugs both ship at the "1 plant" rate.This plant makes a great house plant as it does not need (or appreciate) intense sunlight. In mild climates, it can be grown outdoors as a small shrub. Also makes a great outdoor potted plant to be moved inside in the winter. Hummingbirds love this plant!Care: Intermediate-Warm temps, Indirect light-dappled shade, regular watering and light feeding year round. It's best to pinch or prune this plant from time to time to keep it from getting leggy.
$10.99 - $29.99
Deflasking Kit
The hardest part of growing orchids is deflasking and establishing babies. Here at Orchids For The People we deflasked over 5,000 orchids last year.This kit is everything you need to deflask 1 flask of orchid seedlings just the way we do!From years of trial and error, we have developed this method that has improved survivability of seedlings to over 85% in the winter and over 92% spring-fall!Orchid flasks are not cheap and who wants to risk killing even 1 potentially unique, award-quality plant? This kit is a great investment for the health of your new babies! Kit includes:1. Pot2. Coco fiber3. 4-star grade New Zealand sphagnum moss4. Daconil fungicide5. Proprietary blend of mycorrhizal fungi that helps protect the plants and stimulate root growth right out of the flask6. Fertilizer7. Most importantly a clear step by step direction sheet on how we deflask.
$11.99 - $39.99
Dendrobium (aduncum x trantuanii)
Well-established size plant in a 3.25" pot. One of our newest hybrids! We have been impressed with this cross's vigor and ability to flower at a very young age. These plants will stay compact and relatively small (we expect them to max out at about a foot tall). Produces 1-3 1" pink flowers at each node on leafless, mature canes. The older, leafless canes produce flowers for several years so the show just keeps getting better! This plant does well mounted, in hanging baskets or in a pot. Care: cool-hot (doesn't mind slightly cooler temps in the winter), bright indirect light, wet spring-fall with regular feeding, and a drier winter rest period.
Dendrobium anceps
Very Limited Quantities! Well-established, near-blooming size plants recently repotted into 3.25” pots. Dendrobium anceps is an interesting epiphytic species native to Southeast Asia, including regions like Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.The leaves are generally lance-shaped to narrowly elliptic and are somewhat fleshy. They typically have a smooth, shiny surface and a dark green color. The leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. Overall, the leaves contribute to the plant's interesting appearance even when it isn’t in bloom. 3/4` to 1` flowers are pale greenish yellow with a red spotted lip; blooms successively winter-spring. Care: Bright indirect light, regular watering and light feeding spring-fall and benefits from a period of cooler temperatures and reduced watering in the winter months to mimic its natural seasonal variations.
Dendrobium elliotianum
Mature, mounted blooming size plants. We imported these plants 6 months ago but held on to them to ensure they were healthy and strong (they are!). These plants have flowered at the nursery and are currently producing new leaves, pseudobulbs, and roots. Small is an understatement when describing this species! These mature plants measure 1-2" top to bottom and produce tightly packed pseudobulbs with skinny leaves that are about 1“ long at maturity. Pseudobulbs lose their leaves after they mature and before they flower. Each mature, leafless pseudobulb will flower more than once. Produces 5-8 shirt button-sized, long-lasting, shiny white flowers with a purple lip. Blooms in succession in summer, and can produce several to more than 20 flowers at the same time once flowering occurs! When blooming, its brilliant pinkish-purple flowers are long lasting and fragrant. Fall-winter flowererCare: Intermediate-warm temps, bright indirect light, daily light misting, light fertilizer 2x/month when growing new roots or leaves.
Dendrobium jonesii
Well-established near-blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot. If treated properly, these plants will most likely bloom sometime in 2024.If you like Dendrobiums, particularly Australian Dendrobiums, you have to have this plant! Flowers are almost identical to D speciosum in color, shape, fragrance and size but the plant is much more compact. Plus, it is a much more reliable bloomer!Care: Bright indirect light, warm summers and cool winters, plenty of water and regular feeding spring-summer with a drier rest period in the winter. The bigger plant in flower is the parent of the plants for sale.
Dendrobium kingianum
Small, well-established blooming size plant in a 3.25" pot.This is one of the first orchids I grew as a kid in southern CA and is still one of the hardiest and most forgiving orchids you can grow! D kingianum stays very compact and is happy pretty much anywhere that receives moderately bright light.This species flowers late winter/early spring and produces an abundance of fragrant, long-lasting, dime-sized purple and white flowers.If you want to try your hand at orchids, start here!Care: Bright indirect light, moist and warm-hot in the summer, cool and drier in the winter. Light, regular fertilizing spring-late summer
Dendrobium loddigesii
Well-established, small blooming size plants in 2” pots. This is a great little plant, suitable for a beginner but cute enough that it’s a great plant for any collector! It has a rambling habit that makes it well suited for a hanging basket or pot. It makes for a superb specimen plant due to its small stature and its tendency to produce large flushes of beautiful, large (for the size of the plant), fragrant flowers all at once. The flowers have bubble gum pink sepals and petals and a fimbriated white lip with a large central orange disc. Flowers late winter-spring. Care: Bright indirect light. Prefers warmer, wet summers and cooler, drier winters. Fertilize regularly when actively growing.
Dendrobium longicornu
Well-established blooming-size plant in 3.25" pot An interesting and easy-to-grow Dendrobium species. The canes are 12-24" long and sparsely covered with fine black hair. 1-3 flowers emerge from a short spike and are approx. 1.5" long, pure white with an orange, "toothy" lip, a long spur, and a very faint fragrance. Care: Prefers cold-intermediate temps and bright indirect light. Regular watering and fertilizer spring-fall with a drier rest period in the winter.